So yesterday, I tried to take good care of myself. I kept stress and the crazies to a minimum. I read almost an entire book in one sitting and I haven't done that since The Kid was born! And today did dawn a little brighter, a little more hopeful despite the fact that The Kid has conjunctivitis and is now running a low grade fever. That, and the fact that his best friend was home sick today makes me think that he may be harboring a viral thing. Will his fever stay low grade? Will it get worse?
That is really, friends, all I have to say today. There was some reading and some writing and a lot of moving piles of things from this side of my desk to the other side of my desk. A lovely weekend stretches before us and we have a birthday bowling party to attend tomorrow depending, of course, on how The Kid is feeling. There's laundry to do and a little television to watch, books to read and food to eat. I enjoy these kind of shapeless weekends. They feel expansive and huge, as if anything is possible.
What's your weekend like?
Thanks. He's still low-grade this morning...