Saturday, January 12, 2008

This Is My 100th Post

I had a lot of days like this back in November during NaBloPoMo, days where I sit here and have nothing, absolutely nothing to write about. The Kid is better. I think sometimes he runs a low grade fever just to drive me crazy. No fever today, his conjunctivitis is clearing up.

We went to a bowling party for a classmate of his. I always forget how much fun bowling can be. I think I have this notion that all bowling alleys are smoky, slightly disreputable places. There was a time in my life when these things would have been a plus, but since The Kid was born, not so much. I really cannot handle cigarette smoke. It just feels too toxic.

I used to smoke. Mostly socially, never very much or very often. When we decided to have a baby, it was very easy for me to stop. I know this is a huge struggle for most people. Lefty had a harder time, but neither of us have smoked since we decided to try and get pregnant. From this vantage point, I don't know how our non-smoking friends put up with us. They must have really liked us to put up with our stinky, smoky selves all those years.

But the bowling alley smelled only of bowling shoes, and a little like cheap beer. The kids all bowled and had fun. There was pizza and cake.


  1. Congrats on 100. I am happy to have read most of them! Here's to 100 more.

  2. Congrats on 100!

    We love going bowling with the boys. But, geez, it can get expensive quickly!

    I can remember going to see my dad bowl in a league when I was a kid (something I followed in his footsteps to do when I was in 9th grade) and all I remember is smoke and and beer glasses while he bowled.

  3. Yaay! Happy 100th post to you!

    I have fond memories of bowling alleys--when my mom went back to work (second shift), my dad took over our care. Rather than EVER paying for a babysitter, he'd drag our (my brother and me) butts everywhere he went--all his softball games, tennis matches, and yes, every Friday night, the bowling alley.
