Wednesday, March 9, 2011


So, Zoot has taken on an inspiring project for Lent (Go read her post here. I'll wait.) and I think I'm going to do something for Lent here on the blog.

The traditional approach to Lent is to give something up or take on a new discipline for the 40 days before Easter. I'm hoping to breathe a little life into my writing discipline (that includes blogging here) which has withered on the vine lately as what I'm going to call my domestic responsibilities have expanded to gobble up every ounce of my free time.

I have been a bit of a dervish intent on whirling and spinning, convinced that constant motion was the only way to keep the ship afloat. Of course, the ship is floating along just fine whether I spin or not.

So, I'm going to stop spinning for Lent and post a little something here for the next 40 days, some words or a photograph, maybe a poem. I'm going to use this space to remind myself to stop the dervish act and sit the hell down for a little while.

You should join me. I'll make tea.


  1. I will join you. What a good idea!

  2. I'd like to post a link to my freshly written blog on FB, as you do, but for right now I'm trying to keep my posting anonymous. (I had to take down my previous blog due to a creepy stalker guy.) But if you'd like to read what I wrote today - and hopefully in the future, here it is:

    Today's blog is kind of negative, as I really just needed to vent.

  3. Sounds interesting...I'll have to give it some thought...
