Sunday, September 16, 2007

Turn and Face the Strange Changes

I’ve mentioned before that I’m in the process of quitting my current job to pursue freelance writing. Well, the process is almost complete. I am training my replacement for the next three days, then I’m off to a convention (in a very fancy hotel) in Orlando for four days and come Monday, September 24, I am officially unemployed!

I have wanted to write for most of my adult life and I’ve always written in whatever small caesuras I could find. After The Kid was born I bemoaned my inability to concentrate and string together more than three words at a time. I was thrilled as my mind began to shrug off the fog of caring for a very small child twenty four hours a day, and inspiration slowly slowly began to return.

Then The Kid started school and I turned 45 and I started asking myself, if not now, when? I decided that if I didn’t try this, I would always regret it.

So one week from today I step into the murky sea of what I’m going to do for the rest of my life and I’m terrified.

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