Wednesday, September 5, 2007

New Kid on the Blog

This is one of the reasons I got up early this morning to get my blogroll up and running. My sister has started blogging too.

This is Christy, known to her close friends as Boots. She is the super mom of three beautiful children and is the most patient person on the planet. Here’s an example: Every time The Kid gets a stomach virus and throws up, I call her and ask what to do, how long to wait before the tiny sips of ginger ale because every single time, I panic and completely forget what to do. And my beloved sister always tells me how long to wait and never points out that I’ve asked her the same question at least 20 times over the past six years. True Sister Love.

She has two boys and a girl and The Kid calls them collectively “The Cousins”. The Cousins are responsible for introducing him to his first GameBoy and he has been totally crazy for them ever since.

Christy’s kids are all now in school and she’s asking questions about what comes next in her life.

We are reading Harry Potter & the Goblet of Fire at bedtime with The Kid and last night, we came across a passage wherein someone’s “nostrils flared” and Lefty leaned over and said, “Do you know who is the best nostril flarer in the whole world? Your Aunt Christy!” So there!

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