Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Eight and a Half

We celebrated The Kid's half-birthday on Sunday afternoon with a few of his friends, a whole lot of play and some cake. We couldn't find a Pokémon cake so we ordered a blank cake and drew the traditional battlefield ourselves. In a true family effort, I sketched, Lefty did the actual icing and The Kid picked out the Pokémon for the battle.

I don't have a lot of photos. I am stuck on these occasions between wanting to document the event and experience the event. I have to tell you, for the most part, experiencing wins the day. I took a few photos but mostly I just enjoyed watching my beautiful kid laugh and play. There are worst way to spend an afternoon.


  1. A while back, my mother-in-law gave us a video-camera, determined for us to do more recording of these kinds of events and passages. We exchanged it - I don't even remember what for.

    Happy day to your boy.

  2. I got to you late on (WTJ) but I am so glad that I did. I miss the days of Pokemon at my house (jigglypuff will 4ever be my fave) and your cake brought me back!

  3. Love the cake! Owen referred to a pokemon today, when I asked him to cut the grass. He said that pokemon should be real, and we should have one of these. I can't remember which one. Ask Max which pokemon he would use to cut the grass! Happy Half-Birthday, Max!

  4. Happy Birthday, Kid!!

    And I totally get that--I take my digital camera, the regular 35mm camera and the video camera to events, and they end up sitting in a bag. It's too much fun experiencing it with them!
