Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Holidays By Hand

Stop by and say hi to Tsh at Simple Mom today as she kicks off Holidays By Hand with a wonderful assortment of sewing projects for the holidays.

And don't forget to vote!


  1. I'd love to participate with some knitting projects for the holidays. Let me know the details...

  2. Oh dear -- I love to look, but i have no talent when it comes to sewing or knitting. Painting and drawing are my only talents.

    I will be content to look admiringly on the projects of others. :)

  3. Hi Syvia.

    Just post your project idea and send me the link.

    My email is lauraruthhealy at gmail.com

    I'm featuring all the knitting links on the 25th.

    And thanks!

  4. Hi Laura. What I wouldn't give to be able to draw and paint the way you do...
