Wednesday, March 5, 2008


Fourteen years ago today, Lefty and I got married on a beautiful stretch of the Gulf of Mexico at sunset. Last night, we both were marveling at how fast the years have flown by.

Marrying Lefty was one of the smartest decisions I ever made. I also know that learning to love and live with another human being is one of the most challenging things life can hand us. There have been days that were hard (annoying, frustrating, infuriating) and there have been days that were nothing but smiles and laughter and that feeling you get where you can just feel your heart stretching, expanding to make room for all the love. I would not trade a single day that brought me to this one.

I like to think of marriage as a verb, as something you have to get in there and do everyday.

I'm glad I have such a great guy to do it with. Here's to the next fourteen – bring it on…


  1. I love you guys so much!! Happy Anniversary! God, it doesn't seem possible that it was fourteen years ago. But in a way it seems like yesterday that we were all hanging out in the Penny Post Cafe. It was a great thing that Lefty came along.
    La La Love you,

  2. Happy Anniversary. You are guys are a beautiful couple. Man, good hair runs in your family!

  3. Thanks! Yes, the sheer amount of hair in these picture is somewhat alarming.

  4. Wow--LOVE the hair!!!

    Happy Anniversary!!!

  5. wow....the long hair...the barefootedness on the beach...and wine...what a great way to start a marriage!!
    Happy Anniversary!!
