Today was a big blur of shopping and wrapping and packing up boxes to mail. I did all my shopping in the bookstore and let me tell you, I am dangerous in the bookstore. I could easily have bought three times as many books. As it was, budgetary constraints and how much I could carry, kept me from going overboard. (Is it just me, or are we all getting a whole lot more reading done because of the writer's strike?!)
A package of gifts arrived from my sister and I took them out, tossed them under the tree and immediately refilled the box with gifts for her family. Yes, I'm sending her box back full of gifts. I consider this very thrifty and slightly ingenious.
Tomorrow is The Kid's "Holiday Happening" at school. He's singing a song with his class in the big elementary school auditorium. I will do my best not to cry through the whole thing, but I can't make any promises. I will, however, try to get a picture or two through the tears.
Have fun at the happening. I'm hoping to have this kind of productive day on Wednesday. I'm just now starting to feel a little stressed.